That was pretty funny! I want some more!! Keep going! 8/10 and 4/5
That was pretty funny! I want some more!! Keep going! 8/10 and 4/5
Lol pretty random, but random is what makes me laugh the most. 7/10 and 3/5 Keep it up!
Thank yoooo! ^.^
Very bad
Ok, ireallyamtired of seeing pointlesstutorials since everything on there could have been figured out by just experimenting on flash. Bending a rectangle isnt hard plus you didnt give proper shortcuts on how to pull corners out of shapes to make a different one. I think this would only be useful to people who really, really, really dont have a clue about computers. I was thinking this would be an animation tutorial. this was a DRAWING tutorial. If this gets through to being judged, change the description to HOW TO DRAW MADNESS to prevent wasting people's time.
2/10 and 1/5
That was a good animation! im impressed, but the humour was too cheesy for me. The sounds were good too. 6/10 and 3/5
I didnt like it really. I dont know why he was blown 1 million miles away, why he got set on fire when he flew out the window and why a stranger gave him a boat because he told that story. I dont get it at all. 2/10 and 1/5
Very good
Hahahaha, that was pretty funny. I understood it to be possible until the bird stole the alcohol. Youre a goodanimator! Nice music too. Keep it up!
Pretty impressive but i dont think this belongs on newgrounds. I could be wrong but ill give you a 5/10
Age 31, Male
Joined on 2/27/09