That was an interesting flash you got there, combining good art with flash is a time consumer but worth the effort. Keep up the good work ;D, you'll get more recognition in flash in no time.
Age 31, Male
Joined on 2/27/09
That was an interesting flash you got there, combining good art with flash is a time consumer but worth the effort. Keep up the good work ;D, you'll get more recognition in flash in no time.
Thanks man. I may do frame by frame next time. And different shots instead of just one fixed shot.
I liked the animation, but I feel with your awesome drawing skills you could create a more movie-like animation. You know, with more frame by frame, close up shots, and complex animation. Obviously that would take much longer, but I think you should definately give it a shot :)
You seriously will be big and famous.
I have a sixth sense about these sorts of things ;)
Willpinoy (Updated )
I will give it a shot. I think ill stray away form the video game aspects of the first animation. I guess i was just too addicted to SSBB at the time i started it lol. Im currently learning media studies at school, so hopefully that should help me get the camera shots and angles right :D thanks a lot for your input!
Thank you so much, that means a lot to me. Thank you, thank you, thank you :)